Högdalen Expo

Högdalen Expo

green-walls-hogdalen-expogreen-walls-hogdalen-expo-4green-walls-hogdalen-expo-3green-walls-hogdalen-expo-2 Högdalen Expo Idea: Niklas Svensson (Greenelizer), Irena Lundberg (Stockholm Business Region) Butong : Staffan Snis, Lars Höglund & Joe Gaebler Year:2014...
Nordic Light Hotel Stockholm

Nordic Light Hotel Stockholm

White NCC

White NCC

White NCC8White NCC 12White NCC 11White NCC 10White NCC 9White NCC 7White NCC 6White NCC 4White NCC 5White NCC 2 White NCC Architect:Kristina Philipsson, Kaveh Govashi, White Architects Project management:Andreas Andersson, NCC Plants and planting: Sofia Eskilsdotter,...


vertical-garden-matapoteket-2vertical-garden-matapoteketvertical-garden-matapoteket-3 Matapoteket, Green Walls Idea:Matapoteket Butong team:JC Violleau, Noa Ericsson & Lars Höglund Year:2014 The raw food restaurant, Matapoteket, asked Butong to design a crown...


mikser-1mikser-10mikser-13mikser-4mikser-3mikser-5mikser-12mikser-11mikser-2 Project: Mikser Architect:Architect students from Belgrade, Tirana & Dessau Butong team:Benjamin Levy, Lars Höglund, Jean-Charles Violleau Year:2012 Butong was invited by the Swedish...